[MCSE Update 7] _USTN_ROLECFG Not Being Defined in Organization Standards.cfg

Should the personal.ucf configuration file load prior to the _USTN_ORGANIZATION configuration? If not, the ..\Organization\standards.cfg will not pick up any configuration variables defined in the personal.ucf file.

Currently the msconfig.cfg has _USTN_ORGANIZATION loading prior to the personal.ucf...

# Include the Organization specific configuration files.
# The configuration files in the _USTN_ORGANIZATION directory are intended to
# set configuration variables that point to organization-wide standards
# such as level libraries, cell libraries, etc. Those settings can be
# augmented or overridden at the WorkSpace or WorkSet level.
%if exists ($(_USTN_ORGANIZATION)*.cfg)
%  include $(_USTN_ORGANIZATION)*.cfg level Organization

# Include the personal.ucf configuration file. _USTN_USERCFG is predefined
# It is included here because it may contain definitions for _USTN_WORKSPACENAME
#  and _USTN_WORKSETNAME. We need those before we try to include the
#  WorkSpace and WorkSet configuration files.
%if exists ($(_USTN_USERCFG))
%  include $(_USTN_USERCFG) level User
%  error Exiting, $(_USTN_USERCFG) not found

If this is the case, using the following example in the ...\Organization\standards.cfg, the _USTN_ROLECFG configuration variable will never be defined using the user's personal configuration file method.

# This is an example of how the Role level could be applied.
# We do not define USER_ROLE by default.This variable may be defined many
# different ways. For example, it may be defined in a user’s personal
# configuration file, from Bentley CONNECT, or within a system logon script.
# If the system environment variable USER_ROLE is defined in a logon script, 
# then it is applied by looking for a .CFG file named after the USER_ROLE 
# and defining _USTN_ROLECFG to that file.
%if defined (USER_ROLE)
 %if exists ($(_USTN_ORGANIZATION)$(USER_ROLE)/$(USER_ROLE).cfg)

In the following conditions, the _USTN_ROLECFG is defined...

1. If defining the USER_ROLE at the System Environment Variable Level.

2. If I move the relevant content in the \Organization\standards.cfg to the _USTN_WORDSPACECFG.

If msconfig.cfg is behaving as intended, then is the statement "...may be defined in a user’s personal configuration file a correct or statement? or is the location of this content in the correct configuration file?

Note: This behavior is the same in ORD Update 2.