Sheet Index Seed

I am trying to create a seed DGNws file so that all new WorkSets get a base Sheet index in them that contain project properties and folders.  I tried using the variable _USTN_WORKSETDGNWSTEMPLATE but it creates a DGNws with two indexes in it (see below). Wouldn't be an issue if I could delete one of them and rename the other but trying to do anything in them causes a crash.  Any thoughts on how I could create a seed DGNws file?

Parents Reply
  • With the addition to use an existing WorkSet as a template:

    Unfortunately once I step out side of the delivered structure this seems to start to not work.

    Here is the configuration I am trying to use as a seed.

    OUR_PROJECTS     = H:/
    _USTN_OUT                  = $(_USTN_WORKSETROOT)$(_USTN_OUTDIRNAME)/
    MS_DEF                     = $(_USTN_WORKSETDGNS)

    My Project structure is on our H: drive and we desire to have the DGNWS store under the Project (WorkSet name) folder.

    Here is our H: folder structure.

    I don't think we are trying to do anything to far out of the normal.

    Let me know your thoughts.




  • Hi John,

    In my example configuration I am redirecting the configuration to \\Server\CONFIGURATIONS\CE.

    At the Organization level I have:

    #Set projects root location
    MY_PROJECTS = //Server/ProjectData/

    At the WorkSpace level in the WorkSpace.cfg I have included:


    to create/use the Standards folder to store the DGNWS.

    _USTN_WORKSETSTANDARDS is set by msconfig.cfg to $(_USTN_WORKSETROOT)Standards\

    _USTN_WORKSETSTANDARDSDIRNAME = Standards by default so you'd only need to specify it if using a different name or location for the Standards folder.

    _USTN_WORKSETDGNSDIRNAME is set to 'dgn' in msdirs.cfg

    _USTN_OUT  is set to the 'out' fodler in msconfig.cfg

    MS_DEF = $(_USTN_WORKSETDGNS) is also a default set in msdirs.cfg

    ....then the WorkSet.cfg contains any required WorkSet specific variables.

    [Where project data structures are very consistent, there is a good case for setting the majority of the WorkSet specific variables only once at the WorkSpace or even Organization level, with only variations from the norm being included at the WorkSet level but that is a matter of managerial preference]


  • At the WorkSpace level in the WorkSpace.cfg I have included:


    John said:

    Both of these variables are defined in WorkSetname.cfg by default. Is this not the correct location to define them? If it's correct for them to be in the WorkSpace then why not put them in there by default. I edited where I found them.


    Samir said <in the link above>:

    _USTN_WORKSETDGNWS which defines the location of the DGNWS file of a WorkSet. This configuration variable should be defined in the WorkSet's .cfg file.

    John said:

    The line above is quoted from the link David referenced and was written by Samir. Are you saying that it is incorrect?

    _USTN_WORKSETSTANDARDS is set by msconfig.cfg to $(_USTN_WORKSETROOT)Standards\

    _USTN_WORKSETSTANDARDSDIRNAME = Standards by default so you'd only need to specify it if using a different name or location for the Standards folder.

    _USTN_WORKSETDGNSDIRNAME is set to 'dgn' in msdirs.cfg

    _USTN_OUT  is set to the 'out' fodler in msconfig.cfg

    John said:

    These variables all came out of the default WorkSetName.cfg file. Is it incorrect to be in there?  Or do I have some other default .cfg getting used?

    MS_DEF = $(_USTN_WORKSETDGNS) is also a default set in msdirs.cfg

    We define MS_DEF = $(homedir) in our Organization.cfg so that if a user opens a file under No No it defaults them into their user drive. I relize I could place this in the WorkSpace.cfg but I haven't gotten to that yet.

    ???Why don't quotes work???




  • Marc,

    Getting back to my original issue.

    If I set up my WorkSETname.cfg it works great, I am not having an issuer with that part. When I use it as a seed it doesn't work so well. I'll showing my cfg here for you to try, that is all that's in the cfg which is primarily already in there by default.. What I am seeing is that it does not copy the files on my h:/. It only creates a cfg WorkSetNewName.cfg in the WorkSETsRoot folder.

    Our_Projects     = H:/
    _USTN_OUT                  = $(_USTN_WORKSETROOT)$(_USTN_OUTDIRNAME)/

    If I step back some and keep the WorkSET folders in the delivered location but only change the one variable Shown below). Note I dropped the S from WorkSETs and I moved the DGNws into the WorkSET folder. It copies the folders but it does not change the name of the workset. It also after entering into the application creates a WorkSETname.dgnws in the folder as the cfg.


    Let me know what you find.






  • This issue is being addressed through SR 7000793838.  Issue has been reproduced and a Defect will be file.

  • Thanks Melissa,

    Which part of the issue? As I see it there are two different issues one is with the workset seed, the second is the DGNws template.


