The Explorer – Part Five: The Sheet Index tab

So my question to this blog is why do you have to have a workset to have a sheet index. Surely you can have a Sheet Index without one?

Parents Reply
  • Stuart

    I completely agree, that's why I have developed a CONNECT setup that has configurations/Workspaces.

    /Worksets that looks like V8i, simple to understand and very easy to manage.

    Its all in one place................

    With worksets you can...

    Get the project folders mapped so the DWG go into the correct folder, the PDF also go into the correct folder, When you Ref attach it opens in a predefined project folder, which makes navigation easy.

    You can also add things like,......

    Project specific Display Rules, Reports, title blocks that read project data ie project number.. the list goes on

  • H Folks,

    If you need a workset for each sheet index where am I going to find someone to work for peanuts to manage 7000 or 8000 worksets just so I can use this function. And if we need more than one index per project, which is usual, multiply that number x 3 or 4.

    This sounds like a great function but you must be able to make as many sheet sets as required without them being connected to worksets. They need to be connected to a project folder set with the "Sheet Index file" located in the project folders.

    Because we have so many live projects it is not practical to use a workset for each so we have sorted projects into project types with a workset for each type, only 5 or 6 types at this stage.

    Hopefully a workable solution will come eventually.

  • Hi John,

    someone to work for peanuts to manage 7000 or 8000 worksets just so I can use this function. And if we need more than one index per project, which is usual, multiply that number x 3 or 4.

    I am just wondering who is managing the Sheet Index 7000/8000 x 3 or 4 Sheet Indexes. Why is a workset more burden some than that?


