DGNws location

Has anyone gotten the DGNws to be created in a location other than WorkSetsRoot by default? We are trying to define _USTN_WORKSETDGNWS to $(_USTN_WORKSETROOT)$(_USTN_WORKSETNAME).DGNWS. It will not create the DGNws file in this location until after the workset is created and the intital DGNws file which is create in $(_USTN_WORKSETsROOT) is deleted and the application relaunched. We have tried to define the _USTN_WORKSETDGNWS variable at the Organization, WorkSpace, and WorkSet levels without any success. Just wondering if anyone has had any success in getting this to work successfully. We would ike to define this in the WorkSet.Template file.


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  • Thanks Tom, we where able to get it to work manually also. We plan to have our Departments (Roadway, Bridge, etc) create WorkSets for every project. I was hoping for them to be able to easily do it in the product.We noticed in u12 that a DGNws can not be manually copied to a new WorkSet.

    As per Bentley: If you manually copy the Workset files to create a new Workset, the only thing that you can do is to delete the dgnws file. When you go into that Workset and open a drawing, a new dgnws file will be created for that Workset with the correct Sheet Index name. The WorksetTemplate.dgnws file will be used to create the new dgnws file and the mismatch will be eliminated and the sheet Index will be correct.


