Branded DGNLIB's: Yes?, No?, Does it matter?

When opening .dgnlib files to edit levels, text styles, or whatever,  I am often confronted with the WorkSet Alert dialog.

Since dgnlibs will be used by multiple WorkSets I usually like to have mine not branded - No WorkSet. Sometimes, however, I'll be in a hurry and just click the Open button on the alert dialog, and brand the dgnlib to my active WorkSet. So far I have not encountered any adverse effects of branding vs. not branding dgnlibs.

Is there anything good or bad about branding your dgnlibs, not branding your dgnlib to a WorkSpace, or doesn't make any difference?

Parents Reply
  • I'll flag that with the product managers. Branding and it's implications are being discussed.

    That's great, thanks!

    It would be nice (in fact, I think it's crucial for migration to CE and its smooth implementation) to have exact description how to work with dgnlibs.

    It seems when Bentley designed workspace/workset structure and branding all files, this issue was missed. When there is e.g. dgnlib on workspace level (not specific for particular workset), what is correct way how to work with it (because every file is automatically assinged to workset also)? How to work with organization-wide dgnlibs?

    It's Bentley responsibility to provide these best practices ... and I understand that many CAD administrators are confused / angry / annoyed by CONNECT Edition platform when they are required to spend huge amount of time to investigate what works the best, but without any confirmation it's really the best way.

    With regards,


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