[CE] Sharing Multiple Pinned Tabs

We are still in out Testing and development stage of our CONNECT Workspace. Truth be told, it's really an Open Roads Designer Workspace, but under the hood, it's still CONNECT.

We have one GUI DGNLIB with two Custom Ribbon Tabs in its own Custom Workflow. One Ribbon Tab is called MDOT Tools and one is called Help.

I managed to pin MDOT Tools to all workflows a few months ago. Now I would like to pin Help to all Workflows as well.

The problem is, I cannot recall how I managed to pin the MDOT Tools tab in the first place. When I tried using what I thought was the same workflow, I managed to selectively pin groups from our Help tab into MDOT Tools tab and not to pin Help as another tab in the other workflows.

The only right click menu I seem to be able to open is for pinning and unpinning Groups. How to I pin tabs?

And is there a way to share the pinned settings once I actually get the pinned tabs working?


Parents Reply
  • Pinning is stored in each user's preferences, in my case at the moment: Personal.OpenBuildingsDesigner.RibbonState.xml

    I just did a test pinning the Primary group to the current workflow, xml snippet below:


    To see this working open the xml in Notepad++, pin something, close the file which will trigger a preferences save, Notepad++ will then ask to reload the file and the changes will be visible.

    To make groups permanently present for all users copies need to be added using Ribbon Customization.


    Answer Verified By: caddcop 

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