Check if configuration variable includes certain text


I'm trying to simplify our setup for workspaces and worksets. Projects are located in a folder like this: "P:/ProjXX/XX001 project_name" where XX is the year of project registration.

Right now the _USTN_WORKSETROOT is set in the worksets cfg like this: 


Where the first variable is a workspace variable looking something like this: _USTN_WORKSPACE_PROJNR_YEAR = P:\Proj20\
and the workset name is always set to the project's folders name "20001 project_name".

But since the first 2 numbers of the worksets name is also controlling the first variable's value ("P:\Proj20\"), my thought was that maybe I can create an if-statement to check this? So that if the projects names first two numbers are "20" then the _USTN_WORKSPACE_PROJNR_YEAR will be set to "P:\Proj20\" automatically. This way I won't have to use workspaces in the way I do now. 

Is this possible? 

