How to load a custom UCF at startup of Microstation CE/OpenCities Map application.

Hello everyone, I have a question regarding loading custom UCF file during the startup of Microstation CE application(and also OpenCitiesMap/Advanced, OpenCities Map Ultimate).

Back in the days of V8I, there was an option to launch the Microstation with my own UCF file using the command line switch ws_USTN_USERCFG="myFile.cfg"... I made some investigation on this approach in this CE world and found out following :

  • _USTN_USERCFG is not usable anymore (because it was locked and I cannot change its value.. or is there a way?)
  • Custom configuration, preference files etc. are now stored in LOCKED position (i mean, I found out you can change the position of your prefs folder, however .ucf file is not affected by that)
  • Every program - Microstation, OpenCities Map, OpenCities Map Advanced, OpenCities Map Ultimate has its own prefs folder with files I mentioned before.

My question is, how did you guys solve the situation to launch a given application but with your own UCF file? I mean, I was thinking about copying my files into the prefs folder and name them Personal, but that means my configuration will replace everything and maybe sometimes I want to use it without it. Then another problem is that every product has its own folder path, so basically I have to copy my UCF into the correct folder depending on the installed version (and then I also though about what would happen if the directory path changes with some new updates[right now its in Microstation\10.0.0\prefs] - another trouble!).

Or is there a better and easier way to achieve loading selected UCF during the startup?

Thanks for any suggestions.