Creating WorkSets from a app outside of Bentley CONNECT or OPEN software?


Does anyone know of a separate application that can create new WorkSets for ORD?  One that can create a new WorkSet from a WorkSet template, input and save new custom WorkSet properties and have the WorkSet folder set be saved at a user defined location.

Thank You, I was just curious if there is an app that can do this.

Take Care, 

Parents Reply
  • I was asking for the same reason that Rod had mentioned.  In our agency the kickoff of the project is not dictated by the designer, and the folks that do don't have the cadd software, but they do know all of the information that would be necessary to populate the properties of a WorkSet.  

    Could it possible be added to the Connection Client?  That would probably be best since Connect Advisor is going to be absorbed into Connection Client in the future.

    Thanks Rod, Tim,

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