[ORD/CONNECT] Workset template?

The workspace/workset rabbit hole has no end.

I'm starting with one client. Trying not to edit those client configs. This client comes with a workset template - folder, CFG & DGNWS.
I wanted to see if that template is actually what is used to create new worksets under that client.

Apparently, it's not.

I was able to create a new workset. I selected "Create Workset", gave it a name and selected the template I would like to use. It created a folder, CFG & DGNWS in the proper location. But the folder doesn't include the files from the template folder and the CFG is not the same as the template CFG (far more generic, not even close). It would appear that the template being used is not the template I selected? Or is the CFG file unrelated to the template workset?

I am getting lost in the CFG variables, so I'm sure I have something crossed up. Can anyone make a suggestion to straighten me out?
Thank you.

  • OK, so the issue is with one specific client, but I'm still running into other issues.

    The rest of the templates that DO appear to give me CFGs from the proper template aren't creating directories. Now, I don't actually need those directories there but...

    As much as I don't want to edit the client configs more than necessary, I did have to add a block to account for they way we store our data. That gets edited after workset creation to the proper project directory, and it includes "placeholders" for files that are about to exist.

    # Template for a new WorkSet
    PROJECT_YEAR = 2022
    MS_DEF > $(PROJECT_CADD)Sheet Sets/
    MS_RFDIR > $(PROJECT_CADD)Sheet Sets/

    My thought was that, if the workset creation makes a copy of the workset template directory, that copy could be moved into the project to the proper location, renamed "ORD" and be ready for design with the proper files.


    Power GeoPak
    Power InRoads
    OpenRoads Designer 2021 R2


  • I found it.

    #set up workset variables

    Workset templates were provided, but not defined. Once I found these variables, I was able to get "proper" worksets.


    Power GeoPak
    Power InRoads
    OpenRoads Designer 2021 R2


  • Am I allowed to MOVE workset files?


    Power GeoPak
    Power InRoads
    OpenRoads Designer 2021 R2


  • Am I allowed to MOVE workset files?


    We configure a separate WorkSets folder where the standard project folders are. That way IT doesn't have to go through any gymnastics to give all users write access to the dgnws file while restricting the rest of the files.

    Set the _USTN_WORKSETSROOT folder to the Project\WorkSets folder. Your WorkSet.cfg and dgnws files will automatically be created and referenced from there. 

    Something like this....

    That Projects folder can be anywhere you like outside of the ORD Configuration tree.

    FYI - If you want to rename a WorkSet, create your new WorkSet using the old WorkSet as a template.

    Rod Wing
    Senior Systems Analyst

  • Unfortunately, I don't have permissions to create a directory in our Project Files root directory...and everything under that is divided by year.

    The client-based WorkSets directory underneath the client-based WorkSpaces comes automatically with the client resources, so in theory a lot of things work without the need to redirect it all. We don't have things locked down as much on the standards drive (I know, I know...but right now it works in my favor). The other option I keep playing with is year-based workspaces, with the workset CFG %including the client workspace resources, but I don't know how to get around client based workset templates. As in, an IN workset template (as delivered) is set up differently than a TN workset template. Or I don't know how to store my workset templates in a different location than the actual worksets.


    Power GeoPak
    Power InRoads
    OpenRoads Designer 2021 R2


  • To keep your sanity, sometimes you have to ditch the client based WorkSet template folder structure and use your own when you have conflicting folder setups. In cases where you have to package up the entire project folder for delivery to the client using their standard folder setup, then you're kind of stuck using theirs.

    From what you have been describing, I think a custom WorkSet creation tool makes sense. 

    Rod Wing
    Senior Systems Analyst

  • So far, we don't have to actually deliver full design packages. I know it's coming (from somewhere) but at this point it's not a requirement. I suppose I can set up my own workspaces/worksets to get the work done until that does show up.

    All but one of my DOTs has all of their files in Organization-Civil, so eliminating the client workspaces will probably not actually affect anything...So to create "Yearly" workspaces that can point to a Worksets directory in each project year directory. Then access to every client's workset templates so that each project can %include the correct client standards files.

    Since I can't just copy and rename worksets (DGNWS), I imagine I still need to go through the actual "Create Workset" dialog. I can see a VBA that could copy (create) and edit the workset CFG file based on a few user values, and the project directories will already exist, but I don't see any way around the official process for the DGNWS.

    It would be really nice if you could Browse...for a workset template.


    Power GeoPak
    Power InRoads
    OpenRoads Designer 2021 R2


  • So far, we don't have to actually deliver full design packages. I know it's coming (from somewhere) but at this point it's not a requirement. I suppose I can set up my own workspaces/worksets to get the work done until that does show up.

    All but one of my DOTs has all of their files in Organization-Civil, so eliminating the client workspaces will probably not actually affect anything...So to create "Yearly" workspaces that can point to a Worksets directory in each project year directory. Then access to every client's workset templates so that each project can %include the correct client standards files.

    Since I can't just copy and rename worksets (DGNWS), I imagine I still need to go through the actual "Create Workset" dialog. I can see a VBA that could copy (create) and edit the workset CFG file based on a few user values, and the project directories will already exist, but I don't see any way around the official process for the DGNWS.

    It would be really nice if you could Browse...for a workset template.


    Power GeoPak
    Power InRoads
    OpenRoads Designer 2021 R2


  • Since I can't just copy and rename worksets (DGNWS), I imagine I still need to go through the actual "Create Workset" dialog.

    No, if the dgnws doesn't exist the first person to open the workset will create it by copying the defined dgnws template file. You can define a template for JUST the dgnws using _USTN_WORKSETDGNWSTEMPLATE. That variable can point to any file at any path. It will be copied to either the default location or what _USTN_WORKSETDGNWS points at.

    Person that creates the file has to have read/write on the destination, but that's always me currently so hasn't been an issue.


  • Person that creates the file has to have read/write on the destination, but that's always me currently so hasn't been an issue.

    Every user will need read/write access to the dgnws file if you want them to be able to edit the WorkSet Properties, and add sheets to the Sheet Index. That's the main reason we remap the location of _USTN_WORKSETSROOT so that everything under _USTN_CUSTOM_CONFIGURATION can be read only except for the admins.

    Rod Wing
    Senior Systems Analyst

  • That sounds as if I don't need to create a DGNWS to create a workset?
    Would I be able to set _USTNWORKSETDGNWSTEMPLATE in the workset CFG? That would certainly simplify one thing...And it suggests that I could bypass the "Create Workset" dialog entirely, as long as I could generate the workset CFG any other way.

    Also...Is there a way to isolate the workset templates from the regular worksets? If I do need to use the standard "Create Workset" dialog, I would like it to just show my templates for the workspace, not all of the worksets for the workspace.

    _USTN_WORKSETTEMPLATE is for a single file. If I need to use the standard dialog, I need them to be able to select from a list of client templates for the workset, but I wouldn't want to bog that list down with all the rest of the workspace worksets.

    Of course, if I all I really need to do is create the CFG file, that is fortunately moot.


    Power GeoPak
    Power InRoads
    OpenRoads Designer 2021 R2


  • I'm not sure if you can set _USTN_WORKSETDGNWSTEMPLATE in the workset.cfg, I want to say it has to be at the workspace or lower but it's been a long time since i tried and I don't remember the results. Mine is set at effectively the organization level.


  • Oh, I just remembered when ORD (or other product) is opened it doesn't just create a DGNWS for the current workset, it actually creates one for every .cfg in _ustn_worksetsroot that doesn't already have one, even if you don't open that particular workset. So if you take a template file, rename it to a .cfg file and start editing it, if somebody else opens any other workset in that folder it creates the dgnws for your cfg from whatever it's template is.

    I think we filed this as a bug but I can't remember if Bentley agreed. Currently we say to keep the .template part until you're actually done editing it.