[Connect Update 17] Can't Connect to Oracle Database

I recently installed Microstation Connect on my PC and I can not connect to our remote Oracle database.

I have installed the Oracle 12c (64bit) instant client. This is the one where you download the zip file and just extractit in a folder. I added the tnsname file and updated the path, oracle_home and tns_names environmental variables.

I confirmed that by using sqlplus through the command line that I can connect to the database and query the tables with the commands below. These are not the real values:
sqlplus /nolog
connect user/pw@myalias
select ........

However, when I start Microstation Connect and try to connect by either the key in window or thru Attach - Database - Connect and selecting the Oracle Tab.

In both cases, I get the error: Unsuccessful Connect Statement
If I turn on debugging in the key in window, I can see this error when I try to connect, which isn't very helpful:
status = 32768, Connect Database Incorrectly

My first question is has anyone used Connect with the Oracle 64bit 12c instant client or does Connect need the full client, such things as odac etc... that come with a traditional Oracle client install?

When I do a show configuration key in command, it looks like Microstations has the correct folders.