Copy MTA to MTA


A template has been created (say that the action plan of failure mode 1.1 contains one indicator A, with states A1 and A2) in V7.4. Next, the template is copied to an asset (MTA) (say MTA1). Subsequently, the states of the indicator are changed (so that indicator A has states A3 and A4). Finally, MTA1 is copied to a new MTA (MTA2) (expecting that indicator A has states A3 and A4). However, it seems that MTA2 has the state values that belong to the template, namely A1 and A2.

Is there a box that can be unchecked so that the indicators do not have to be adjusted manually. Remark that the test and training clients do not show this occurence?

Looking forward to hearing from you.

  • Richard

    Before I attempt to answer your question, can you clarify a couple of points for me:
    1) The MTAs for different assets or for the same asset.
    2) Did the indicators already exist on the asset(s).
    3) When you say the states on the indicator are subsequently changed to A3 and A4 do you mean
    - the indicator on the first asset or the indicator template
    - do you mean the states were renamed (from A1 to A3, A2 to A4) or were new states added to the indicator
    4) You changed the states on the Asset Indicator, not the Template Indicator

    What release are you using?

    FYI. making the following assumptions, I repeated your steps:
    a) You are using two different assets
    b) Indicator did not exist on the indicator prior to the MTA being copied
    c) The indicator states were renamed (new states were not created)

    When I copied MTA1 (for the first asset) to MTA2 (for the second asset) the resulting Indicator, on Asset 2, has the same states as asset 1's indicators. The states are the renamed A3 and A4 states.

    If I copied the MTA Template instead of the asset MTA1, to a second asset, the new indicator would have the template states (A1 and A2)

    I did my testing on release APM7.5. I'm not aware of any changes to this logic recently, so I would expect that you would see the same results. What release are you on?

    Answer Verified By: David Crozier 

  • Hello,
    Thanks for replying.

    Currently, release APM 7.4 is in use.

    You mentioned a few assumptions in order to repeat my steps. The only addition is that I added also an extra state (on top of renaming the others).

    Your result:
    "When I copied MTA1 (for the first asset) to MTA2 (for the second asset) the resulting Indicator, on Asset 2, has the same states as asset 1's indicators. The states are the renamed A3 and A4 states."

    How did you made MTA1? I assume that it has been copied from a template, like the way I described, implying that you get a different result than I get. (note: test and training client give a result similar to yours). Therefore, I had the idea that there exist a link somewhere between template and MTAx.

    You asked a couple of questions.
    1) Indeed, it is about two different assets
    2) No indicators did exist in front on the asset
    3) I created the indicator at template level. After copying the MTA template to "MTA1", the indicator is changed on the asset itself. Thus, the indicator template remains unchanged
    4) The existing states are renamed and one state is added.

    I hope that the point is clear. In case not don't hesitate to ask.
    Looking forward to hearing from you
  • There are settings at the analysis level that identify the source of indicator information when creating and updating indicators. The settings are on the analysis' Property view, the Failure Mode Options tab, sub-notebook Indicators tab. There are settings for new and existing indicators, and whether the source is the Indicator Template, the Action Plan or Action Plan if blank on the Template. However, to the best of my knowledge, these settings are only used for the 5 search fields on Indicators (Frequency, Trade, Maintenance Group, Technology, and Operating Condition). I do not believe the effect the states added to the indicator. The states are always copied from the Indicator being copied. In the case of copying an Asset Failure Mode, this would be the states on the asset indicator.
    I tested using APM R7.4 (same release as you). I did not see the same results as you. The states from the indicator that is being copied are always copied to the new indicator; i.e in every case, the new asset indicator has the 2 renamed states and the new state (that is not on the template)
    The only time the asset indicator ended up with the states from the indicator template, was when I used the MTA Template to copy. Could you have done this by accident?
    I have asked one of our developers to take a look at the code to see if there's some obscure case where the template states are used. I will let you know what he finds