APM Mobile inspections (IOS, Android) app is not connecting successfully due to missing Maintenance

 Product(s):APM Implementation and Performance Management


I have installed Mobile Inspections from ITunes and believe all of the settings are correct.

1. My network user name and password are verified as correct.

2. My phone's wifi is connected to the company network

3. I have a user name and employee record created in APM and the user name is set to Remote User.

4. The Mobile REST service is installed and running.

5. I have verified the location of the mobile REST service, including port used is correct and the port is open in the firewall settings.

When I launch Mobile Inspections from my phone and try to connect I get an error message saying I cannot connect and to review my username and password


When Mobile Inspections is run for the first time for a user a Mobile Computer record is created in APM and it will be named after the Employee Trying to log in. The Mobile Computer must have a Maintenance Group assigned to it and it gets this information from the Employee record attached to the user logging in to Mobile Inspections. If the Employee record in APM Foundation does not have a Maintenance Group assigned, Mobile Inspection will fail to connect for that Employee. Assign a Maintenance Group to Employee Record and try to connect once again.