Group by on large data set not working properly

 Product(s):APM Implementation and Performance Management


APM is not grouping the data properly. The groups are repeatedly listed in the configuration.

Steps to reproduce;

1. View large list of objects in an mclb configuration.

2. Right click on the column to be used for grouping.  (# groups should be fairly large ,eg 50+)

3. Click on Group By

Not all the data is brought into memory, so the group by is not complete.

Work Around

1.  RMBC anywhere on the configuration grid, to select Refresh.  Each Refresh brings more data in to memory and eventually, after 2 to 5 times, depending on the amount of data, the configuration reflects the full set of data and the group by is complete.

2.  Filter down to smaller data sets for your configuration

3. Use multiple configurations to view desired data.

See Also

Bug 392455 has been submitted for this problem