Using same computer name for multiple physical devices (Android or IOS) leads to duplicate indicator

 Product(s):APM Implementation and Performance Management

Problem Description

User has multiple physical devices linked to the same android Mobile Computer name in APM. This allows the user to have multiple devices with the same list of checksheets. The user can then verbally assign checksheets to whichever inspector is available. This requires users to exercise additional care as duplicate checkesheets and duplicate indicator readings will cause the second checksheet to fail to process. This can eventually lead to a large number of errors requiring to be addressed. If the backlog becomes to great, the job make take too long to finish and be interfered with by other processes.


Do not use the same mobile computer name for more than one handheld computer. Review and address errored uploads. This may include repairing indicators and deleting transactions with duplicate readings and checksheets.

See also
