Attribute has been set as Read-Only error

 Product(s):APM Implementation and Performance Management
 Area:Security Profile


Smart Client Server Service logs reports the following error on many classes: 

2019-11-13 14:29:33.6086Z Error DOMAIN\User Ivara.OTAssert [25] File: f:\src\hotfixes\\apm\framework\oqpers\cax.cpp(8372) :  Failed Assert:     o< Attribute >X::set - CAX < Class> :: < Attribute > is Read-Only

The following states have been calculated on this datamember: < Attribute >

The following Security settings have been calculated on this datamember

    Attribute has been set as Read-Only

 Similar messages are logged for attributes for the following classes: 



Security Profiles can be updated to ensure these classes are editable by the user. Add the classes to the user’s general profile to ensure access to these classes across the whole Enterprise. Example:



Many other “… audit info” and “… audit detail” classes work the same way, however, the recommended approach is to deal with these problems as they arise, rather than a sledgehammer approach to add all audit classes to each of the six top-level security profiles.


For example, also add the “Purchase order audit info” and “Purchase order audit detail” classes, with “Editable” access levels if they appear in the logs, but they are not needed if you do not use the purchasing module.