APM Remote Mark Asset as unavailable overwrites some Indicator Readings on the same asset but not ot

 Product(s):APM Implementation and Performance Management

Problem Description

User has found that there is inconsistency in approach between APM Foundation and APM Remote when marking asset as unavailable.
In APM Foundation, the end-user is given the option of whether to overwrite indicators from the same asset with readings entered prior to the mark as unavailable but in APM Remote this option is not available.
APM Foundation
APM Remote
Additionally, the behaviour is inconsistent within APM Remote in that if a 0 value is entered on an Indicator with defined states, the reading is not overwritten when mark as unavailable is selected later on in a different indicator but if the indicator has no states then the 0 value is automatically overwritten when mark as unavailable is selected later on on a different indicator. The value of 0 should not be overwritten because it is a user initiated value whether the indicator has defined states or not.


Reported as a bug, VSTS 775245 – “APM Remote Mark as unavailable behaviour is inconsistent with overwriting Indicator Readings”.

Workaround for now is to instruct the user to inform end-users of the inconsistency and use the option “Apply to this Indicator only” when marking asset as unavailable if they wish to preserve other readings against indicators on the same asset.

See also
