Remote Synchronization error referencing bad settings post update of APM

 Product(s):APM Implementation and Performance Management

Problem Description

After upgrading to a new release and redeploying APM Remote, an APM user experienced an error while synchronizing. The error returned:

"the settings have errors. The errors detected are: The server is not configured correctly. The connection string could not be built: The settings are incorrectly configured, neither the data source name or the database connector string is entered":


The user originally launched the Ivara Configuration tool when constructing the Remote Client using Administrator privileges' via Admin account sign in. If you run IvaraConfiguration as administrator and enter an administrator account, you are actually running the process as that user and creating the settings file for the administrator user.  Then running the shortcuts means it’s running as the desktop user and it uses the settings file for that user which is not configured and gives the error above.

The solution was to run IvaraConfiguration.exe as the user that needs to run APM Remote thick client to configure the instance. This will ensure that the settings goes to the service account.