Multiple Indicators integrated with 4D Analytics have duplicate, triplicate, etc readings

 Product(s):APM Implementation and Performance Management

Problem Description

An APM user with AWEIS Interoperability connection to 4D Analytics was surprised to find that several integrated indicators would receive apparent duplicate readings each scheduled polling event.


This is a very difficult situation to troubleshoot due to the nature of this user's particular set-up. The duplicate readings stem from multiple indicator names against the same asset having nearly identical names, only differing at the suffix near the end of the Indicator name. When data is polled through the graphQL service the import of readings from 4D Analytics,  the indicator name is limited in number of characters (truncated) so when the reading is polled, the process finds all indicators with the truncated name and sends back the values but with a truncated indicator name. These duplicate values are then written to all indicators with that truncated indicator/tag name. The multiple readings actually belong to different tags. In this particular case the readings appeared to be duplicate readings because the user was in a trial phase and testing with a sample dataset.

The solution is for the user to reduce the tag name/indicator name to less than 40 characters, APM Foundation business logic will ensure that no duplicate Indicator names can exist against the same asset which will get around the truncation problem.