RFW status shown as Sent but not processed

 Product(s):APM Implementation and Performance Management


RFW status shown as Sent but not processed. Expected status: Accepted by system


Analysis of the logs downloaded from the BECS server, identified the issue was not from Bentley product. Rather it was the Microsoft Messaging Queue that was having resource allocation issues.

Please refer the error/failure entry from the logs below:

Execution failed. Message: Insufficient resources to perform operation.  At System.Messaging.MessageQueue.SendInternal(Object obj, MessageQueueTransaction internalTransaction, MessageQueueTransactionType transactionType)
   at System.Messaging.MessageQueue.Send(Object obj)
   at ACE_Scheduler5.PackageManager.SendToIntegrator(Int32 SPID, Object Body, Guid RUNID) in d:\Jakub\Git\BECS.Scheduler\Scheduler.Service\PackageManager.cs:line 408

 With the above as a reference, identified the Microsoft Message Queueing for resource allocation which was causing interruptions in the BECS messages from being processed.

Freed up space by backing up relevant folder and deleting the .MQ files, so that the Message Queues would start to accept and process messages from BECS.

Restarted BECS Services following which the RFWs were processed.

See Also

Case CS0029177