Conversion to Unicode for APM database

Conversion from ANSI to Unicode requires changing datatypes on text, varchar and char columns in the database. 

Running a script on the database is required to affect this change.

Download the script


1. Verify the Database:

Launch the database upgrade wizard and connect to the database

Once connected the Wizard will confirm in database details whether the database is ANSI or Unicode.

Exit without executing the upgrade


Run the following query and to verify no results: Char as not used in data model:

select isc.table_schema, isc.table_name, isc.column_name, isc.data_type, isc.is_nullable, isc.character_maximum_length
from information_schema.columns isc
inner join information_schema.tables ist
on isc.table_schema = ist.table_schema
and isc.table_name = ist.table_name
where exists ( select * from oq.omsystem syst where syst.dbdomain = isc.table_schema )
and isc.data_type in ( 'text', 'varchar', 'char' )
and ist.table_type = 'BASE TABLE'

-- should not find char as not used in data model


Run the test Instance utility in APM Configuration Application:


2. Run the product

Log in and Visit views and open objects, check them out and do edits