Pausing message consumption in service bus

It is sometimes useful to pause the flow of messages through interop... this might be so that you can examine the messages' payload, or it might be so that you can simulate a delay in delivery.

Whatever the reason, here's a less intrusive way to accomplish the pause.

Open a browser window

Internet explorer should be your last choice for this, by the way.
If you are running remote desktop to the interop server, the URL can be
You could also access from another computer, e.g.

Navigate to Engines

Navigate to the Engines page:

Look at the Connections section (scroll if you need to) and find the connection at issue here.
For example, here is the connection for AcknowledgeRequestsForWork inbound to APM.
Stop the connections for SyncWorkRequests, SyncSolutionPackages, etc.  
  • Click stop once on each: it doesn't respond quickly even though it is really working
  • After a moment, refresh the listing to confirm that each is stopped
Incoming messages will pile up in the queues now.
Once finished, start the connection(s) again..