Document Change Requests - SQL Query

Hi All

I am writing a SQL query that focuses on Document Change Requests that includes their related Documents.  While much of the information is easily obtained in the Change Requests table and a few joins to other tables (like Persons), I am NOT able to get the related Document.  In writing CAP reports, I used the left and right object types and IDs to get Corrective Actions and their related Condition Reports, and was expecting to use the same approach for this report.  However, I am not able to get the correct results in this case. 

Where is the "relationship" between Documents and Document Change Requests recorded and stored?

Thanks, Alistair

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  • Hello

    Here is some details that should help you through your process

    Table Name

    Main Columns



    Hold all information on Change requests (CR)

    co_ID - Internal ID used to create relation with other objects.

    change_number – Code

    work Status – approval status



    Hold all information on Documents

    document_id – internal ID used in relation tables

    prefix – number

    title – title of the document

    status - Approval status

    trn_id – transaction ID




    Contains relation between CR and object

    co_id – change request iD

    object_type – affected object type (object types can be queried from base_types table)

    object_id – affected object (document_id or other object ID )


    Contains relation between change request and all affected objects

    co_id – change request

    from_trn_id – trn_id of affected object.

    to_trn_id – trn_id of new Object
