Error parsing the eqltext - eB web i get this error - eB Director it works fine???

In eB web i get this error?? any idea why?

START WITH Document 
   Code Number,
   Name Title,
   Attributes["Global", "NDA Betrokken Site's"].Value,
   Attributes["Global", "NDA Datum ondertekening"].Value,
   Attributes["Global", "NDA partner external"].Value,
   Attributes["Global", "NDA partner internal"].Value,
   Attributes["Global", "NDA Area"].Value,
   Documents.Left.Id CRId,
   DISPLAY_NAME( ApprovalStatus ) ApprovalStatus,
   DISPLAY_NAME( State ),
   Class.Code = 'AD-DOC-NDA'
   AND IsTemplate = 'N'
   AND Code LIKE @number
   AND Name LIKE @title
   AND Attributes["Global", "NDA Area"].Value LIKE @NDAArea
   AND Attributes["Global", "NDA Betrokken Site's"].Value LIKE @NDASite
   AND Attributes["Global", "NDA partner external"].Value LIKE @NDApartner
   AND Attributes["Global", "NDA partner internal"].Value LIKE @NDAintpartner 

i used in Define Parameters

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