Is it possible to bulk move objects to another Scope?

Currently, all objects have been created in Scope:Global.  Scopes have not been used.  Until now.  Now, there is a need for Scopes.

First Question: How can objects be moved, in bulk, from the Global Scope to a (new) child Scope?

Objects that need to be moved are Changes Reqeusts, Documents, Physical Items, Serial Items and Tags.

Second Question: Are Relationships affected by Scopes?  Do Relationships exist in one scope or another?

We are running eB HF357

  • Can be done at the database level, but you would need to engage someone very familiar with eB database such as a Bentley services professional.

    I think the best way forward would be achieved using the provisioning spreadsheet if you are comfortable with its use and can query eB for the info you need.
    You would then essentially download objects and relationships to spreadsheet, delete old objects then recreate/upload in correct scope.

    Answer Verified By: Carma De Villiers 

  • Can be done at the database level, but you would need to engage someone very familiar with eB database such as a Bentley services professional.

    I think the best way forward would be achieved using the provisioning spreadsheet if you are comfortable with its use and can query eB for the info you need.
    You would then essentially download objects and relationships to spreadsheet, delete old objects then recreate/upload in correct scope.

    Answer Verified By: Carma De Villiers 

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