Bulk Import aborts due to inactivity


When using the bulk import utility imports are failing midway through due to 180 seconds of inactivity. This only seems to happen when users are trying to upload more than 30 documents, and the first 30 are still uploaded even though the process never completes. Is there any reason you know of that may cause the import to become inactive mid way through the process?

Kind regards,


  • Hello Catherine,
    It's Document Bulk import tool, right?
    Does the job gets stuck in Work queue with error pointing to inactivity? Is it only data that are being uploaded or also files? Maybe you could provide me personally that import sheet and configuration .ini file for further investigation ?


  • Hi Gintautas,

    Yes the bulk import tool, and the error is:

    -The job was aborted due to 180 seconds of successive inactivity. Exception Stack Trace: { --- Begin of exception stack trace --- System.Exception: The job was aborted due to 180 seconds of successive inactivity. at eB.Management.QueueJobHelper.InvokeCustomEngine(QueueEngineProcess qep, String engineDll, String engineNamespace, String proxyConnectInfo, IDictionary`2 jobAttributes) at eB.Management.QueueJobHelper.ProcessQueueEntry(Object sender, PollEventArgs e) --- End of exception stack trace --- }

    It seems to happen regardless of which .ini file is used and what is being uploaded (documents or documents and files). It did work in the past and nothing changed that we know of, and it does work if you only try a small number of documents. It's only when you try and increase the number past around 30. In past we could upload over 100 with no issue.


  • We have the same problem as Catherine, so I'd be interested in any possible solutions.

    Our timeout is currently moved up to 540sec and have intermittant issues between 50-100 documents regardless of files or not.
    We often have bulk upload jobs in the 100s or occasionally in the 1000s.

    Resubmitting the task in the SMC sometimes works, but often I need to trim out the already processed rows and push it though as a new job (often multiple times).
    It seems that the job goes into idle when waiting for a response, then never attempts to restart until it hits that timeout period.
  • What eB version you are using? Please do send me sample of spreadsheet maybe there is something specific about them.

  • Hello everyone,
    Please send me a copy of spreadsheet and config file you are using and let me know version of eB . We have few users who is running bulk import jobs which takes couple hours to process and these jobs completes with no issue. Maybe this issue specific to content or data that you are loading. This requires more detailed investigation involving your data.

    Best regards

  • Any luck with the data I sent?
    Bulk loads are still regularly falling over with the same error Catherine reported:

    The job was aborted due to 540 seconds of successive inactivity.

    Exception Stack Trace:
    --- Begin of exception stack trace ---
    System.Exception: The job was aborted due to 540 seconds of successive inactivity.
    at eB.Management.QueueJobHelper.InvokeCustomEngine(QueueEngineProcess qep, String engineDll, String engineNamespace, String proxyConnectInfo, IDictionary`2 jobAttributes)
    at eB.Management.QueueJobHelper.ProcessQueueEntry(Object sender, PollEventArgs e)
    --- End of exception stack trace ---

  • Any luck with the data I sent?
    Bulk loads are still regularly falling over with the same error Catherine reported:

    The job was aborted due to 540 seconds of successive inactivity.

    Exception Stack Trace:
    --- Begin of exception stack trace ---
    System.Exception: The job was aborted due to 540 seconds of successive inactivity.
    at eB.Management.QueueJobHelper.InvokeCustomEngine(QueueEngineProcess qep, String engineDll, String engineNamespace, String proxyConnectInfo, IDictionary`2 jobAttributes)
    at eB.Management.QueueJobHelper.ProcessQueueEntry(Object sender, PollEventArgs e)
    --- End of exception stack trace ---
