Unable to add a document in an expedited CR

When trying to add a document in the expedited CR, I'm getting this error- 'The following documents may not be added. Another Prototype already exists for this object. (From DbEventHandler: 'rt_onrelationship_added').' How do I resolve this issue? Thanx.

Parents Reply
  • Hi Priyanka,

    There is a related CR- 'ECP-2019-00019' in which the document was once related (see screenshot) but this was for the previous revision ("S3183-1997-009 F010 (02), ATO CCM 3-6 11-BC-3 SCH INTERCONNEXION" changed to "S3183-1997-009 F010 (03), ZONE D'ATOMISATION - CCM 3-6 11-BC-3 - SCHEMA D'INTERCONNEXION" we are trying to add the new one now in CR-2021-00123)

    I'm able to add other documents in the related CR eg S3183-1997-009 F006 (03) (the above entry) so the new one, which I'm trying now, should also work but its not. I've attached screenshot of the CR as well, let me know if you need anything more

    Regards, Devang

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