Unable to add a document in an expedited CR

When trying to add a document in the expedited CR, I'm getting this error- 'The following documents may not be added. Another Prototype already exists for this object. (From DbEventHandler: 'rt_onrelationship_added').' How do I resolve this issue? Thanx.

Parents Reply
  • Hello Devang,

    Apologies for late response.

    So, we did quick troubleshooting on this issue / error and there could be a modification document already available for this document.

    Key point here is, with every Affected document, there is a stored procedure to auto-create it’s markup document which is seen under Progress section of Change Request.

    So question: Was this document added as an affected document earlier and then removed? If this is the case, then markup document stays in the system.

    What need to be done: Search for document and delete this markup doc from the system. You should be able to add this document from effect analysis

    Hope this helps.



    Answer Verified By: Devang Singh 
