Change Requests / Physical Items List


Unless I'm missing something obvious the ability to raise a change request against a physical item list is broken / changed in version 15.4.1


In version 14 if I raised an ECR against a Physical item list document and then implemented it, I would get a new revision of the document and the old revision of the physical item list is copied so I have two.


This doesn't seem to work in our new version.  All that happens is that I get a new revision of the physical item list document.  The system does not copy the physical item list and it doesn't even relate it to the parent physical item?


Is this bug?

  • PS, it works in Director so it looks like a web only problem.

  • Hi Andrew,

    I guess this is a bug. If the behaviour are different between interfaces, then it is definetly a Bug in web.

    I will create a SR for you and will update you with the TS for the same.

    Manav B.

  • I confirmed that there are not much changes for versions, the way it works for Phyysical Item list.

    Manav B.

  • Hi Manav,


    When you look at what SQL is doing when using Director you
    see this:


    declare @p7 int

    set @p7=1

    declare @p9 int

    set @p9=64

    exec ebp_uprev_document
    output,@pi_called_by=762,@pi_new_doc_id=@p9 output

    select @p7, @p9


    Notice that the copy options parameters include 'ItemList’


    Now if you look at what happens when doing the same thing in
    the Web you get this:


    declare @p7 int

    set @p7=0

    declare @p9 int

    set @p9=68

    exec ebp_uprev_document @pi_old_doc_id=34,@ps_new_revn_name=N'02',@ps_imp_co_ids=N'5',@ps_fwd_co_ids=NULL,@ps_copy_options=N'Header;Interfaces;TemplateRef;ControlledObjects',@pi_copy_batch_size=200,@pi_copy_row_count=@p7 output,@pi_called_by=761,@pi_new_doc_id=@p9 output

    select @p7, @p9


    Take note that ItemList is missing from the copy options
    parameters.  The next thing I like looked
    for is what was populating the ps_copy_options parameter.  I suspect it’s a stored procedure called


    I determined that when you go to implement a physical item
    list ECR from Director the systems runs this:


    exec ebpnew_get_copy_options
    @pi_object_id=34,@pi_object_type=3,@ps_option=N'Header',@ps_filter=N'HasData =


    However when you try the same implementation from the web it
    looks like this:


    exec ebpnew_get_copy_options



    I really need a fix for this urgently.