Need for an Implementation Package when creating a Change Package?

I'm looking for some detailed information why it is considered good practice to include an Implementation Package (IP Document) when creating a Change Package in eB. In 15.2.2 is was necessary to have the IP in order to navigate between the Change Request and the Markup (prototype). That is no longer the case in 15.4.1

I've created a Change Package that contains a CR and a Work Order but received some feedback that it is a good idea to include an IP as well. Why?


  • Hi Patrick, I think what you may be referring to is a 'Compound object'.   We dont have an 'Implementation Package' we have a compound change package that Ameren may have named "Implementation Package"  Can you check with Kelly on this too see how it was created.



    i.e. If you go to Sys Admin you will see that there is a section called “Compound Objects”.

    Create a new Object and then find the objects you need to create in the package and drag and drop them into the package.

  • Hi Derek,

    Are you referring to version 15.4.1? In 15.4.1 there is no "Compound Object" section in Director. Kelly has confirmed this.

    A change package displays when a user clicks "Add Change Package" on the CC Document. We must provision a Change Package using the provisioning spreadsheet. On the spreadsheet you declare the templates to be used (CR template, IP template and WO template) in the change package. Once provisioned these packages are not configurable meaning they cannot be viewed, modified or deleted in Director.

    The IP is a Document object related to the Change Request. Related to the IP are any Markups and the Work Order. Kelly said that every Change Package requires an Implementation Package per Bentley. She said the reason being that Affected Documents are not actually added to the CR but to this IP and that is why it is required. Furthermore, she said that even if we did not declare an IP template in a Change Package that such an object was created by default, just not visible to us (admin or end user). This didn't make sense to me so she asked Craig for more info and Craig sent me here, to you. Lucky you.        -Patrick

  • Hi Patrick, has this issue been resolved? If so, could you please close the issue. If not, please let me know. Thanks, Carma
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