Bulk Updates to Existing Users


Do you know of a way that we can bulk update a number of existing eB users to change their status from ‘Active’ to ‘Not Active’?

We do not have any provisioning spreadsheets that we believe are capable of doing so.

Kind Regards,

Lewis C

  • Hi Lewis,

    Do you have access to the SDK?  If so I would expect there is a method that allows you to change the person object.

    So thinking out loud I would create a skill group called ‘chgUsers’ add all the people you want to edit to that.  I would then write a SQL query that would return all the users in this group, and then it would simply be a matter of looping through the resulting data table, running the appropriate method each time.

    Because it would be calling the proper method I would guess it would also capture the audit event.



  • Hi Lewis,

    Do you have access to the SDK?  If so I would expect there is a method that allows you to change the person object.

    So thinking out loud I would create a skill group called ‘chgUsers’ add all the people you want to edit to that.  I would then write a SQL query that would return all the users in this group, and then it would simply be a matter of looping through the resulting data table, running the appropriate method each time.

    Because it would be calling the proper method I would guess it would also capture the audit event.


