Duplicate Document Numbers


We are using eB 15.4 and we have recentley seen examples of duplicate document numbers - completely seperate documents assigned the same number by the calculated mask.

This is the mask we are using:

IFNULL(Projects.Project.Code, '?')+'-'+IFNULL( Responsibilities.Organization.Code, '?' )+'-'+Class.Code+'-'+TRIM(LEFT(IFNULL(Attributes["Global", "Discipline"].Value, '?'),3))+'-'+'######'

Do you have any suggestions as to why this may be occuring?

Thank you


Parents Reply
  • Uniqueness of document is created by using three properties: document number (prefix + middle) and Revision number.

    As I understand to meet your request document unique number should be created from Prefix+Revision number (ignoring middle).

    It is hardcoded and requires core changes. If this change is necessary please discuss it with Professional Services as they do have all information and could estimate would it be possible to even make this change.



    Answer Verified By: Catherine Marklove 

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