Cannot add any files to eB

 Applies To 
 Product(s):eB Core
 Version(s):14.x, 15.x, 16.x
 Environment: N/A
 Area: Files Management
 Subarea: Upload
 Original Author:Dennis Chan, Bentley Technical Support Group


When I try to add a file to eB (using either Director, eBweb or any other client applications) I get an error saying:

"...there was a problem performing the action 'Upload..."There is no Repository in the relevant Repository Group that is 'Online'. 'Write Enabled'..."


The following are the most common causes of the error:

  1. the eB Storage Service is not running
  2. the eB Storage Service is running but is not serving the community in question
  3. there is no repository defined for the community.


1. Make sure the eB Storage Service is running

2. Make sure the community is served by the eB Storage Service

3. Ensure there is a default repository defined for the community