Correlation Code

 Applies To 
 Product(s):eB Web
 Environment: N/A
 Area: eB WEB
 Subarea: Error Codes
 Original Author:Gintautas Bajoriunas, Bentley Technical Support Group




In v15 eB Web error tracking displayed a message to the user that is determined by the page and includes a copy button that can be used to copy the message plus an encoded version of the error stack to the clipboard.  This has had several problems including –

From eB version 16 instead of error stack trace, correlation code is provided for user when error is received.  The changes are intended to make the web application more secure - by hiding the unsafe stack information, and easier to debug – by improving logging and allowing related logs to be associated. 


 Enable Tracing errors

Tracing can be enabled in eB Web Manager tool when setting up or editing existing eB web. By default tracing is disabled as the log file can still grow from everyday errors. When raising these issues with Bentley Support do attach this log next to Correlation Error code. 

For more detailed information and configuration see document eB Web Event Tracking