Streaming Videos Using eB web

 Applies To 
 Product(s):eB Insight
 Version(s):15.x.x, 16.X.X
 Environment: N/A
 Area: Documentation & Instruction
 Subarea: N/A
 Original Author:Manav Bhardwaj, Bentley Technical Support Group




Problem Description:

Set up eB Web to Stream Video files when launched instead of downloading the entire file before allowing the user to view the file.


You can configure individual file types to use different download methods in old eB web. 
This is configured in the Web.config file by altering the MimeTypeMappings element in the .Config file so that the MIME-type of the file is mapped to a handler that streams the file to the client instead of using the ActiveX to download it. 

This is already done for TEXT/HTM (HTML) files as an example:

<add mimeType="TEXT/HTM" handler="1D89C853-64D0-489c-8981-8C3882A50400"/>


You can also check for eB Web.Config element manual for the reference: