SSL Certificate requirement starting with eB16.7.2 - server throws HTTPS error

Problem Description:

After installation of eBPlatform v16.7.2 or higher,   opening  the eB System Management Console  and clicking  on the server name the below error come up:

or error could be related to channel timeout

Root Cause:

Starting from Release 16.7.1, all eB Services are only available via HTTPS, which means that the eB Service Manager Host system must have
• A valid Certificate installed
• An SSL Certificate Binding
• Proper Firewall configuration. This needs to be done only once (or if something is wrong with the SSL Certificate Binding).

Solution For Test Environments:

For test/development environments that are NOT reachable from public internet HTTPS can be configured with  the eB-Service-Manager Self Signed Certificate automation using the following steps:

• Open Windows Services (e.g. open a Command Window and type services.msc)
• Select the eB Service Manager service
• Stop the service
• Right click and open the service Properties
• In the Start Parameters entry box enter the following values -C -I -R (Create, Install and Register). E.g.

• Use the Start button to start the service. Using OK will start the eb Service manager without the parameters.

Solution For Production Environments:

For Production environments that are connected to the internet a signed certificate needs to be obtained from a third party vendor. The IT Division in the organization should be able to assist you in obtaining the certificate to be used by the eB Service.

For Production environments that are NOT connected to the internet  a signed certificate that is trusted within the company network can be used. The organization's  domain administrator should be able to provide this certificate. 

Note that in page 27 of installation documentation , "localhost" DNS entry is included as a Requirement. "localhost" is NOT a requirement for eB Core servers. eB Core server will work with a certificate that has a single DNS entry for FQDN machine name
