Rendition Job processed by the Interplot Engine failed to create an instance of COM component - erro

(29678 False)



 Applies To 
 Product(s):eB System Management Console (eBSMC)
 Environment: N/A
 Area: Queue
 Subarea: Rendition Queue Job
 Original Author:Dennis Chan, Bentley Product Advantage Team

Problem Description:

Attempts to render MS Office files to PDF format using the Interplot Engine result in queue job errors with the following text:

Creating an instance of the COM component with CLSID {00020906-0000-0000-C000-000000000046} from the IClassFactory failed due to the following error: 8001010a The message filter indicated that the application is busy. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x8001010A (RPC_E_SERVERCALL_RETRYLATER)).


Exception Stack Trace:


--- Begin of exception stack trace ---

System.Exception: Creating an instance of the COM component with CLSID {00020906-0000-0000-C000-000000000046} from the IClassFactory failed due to the following error: 8001010a The message filter indicated that the application is busy. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x8001010A (RPC_E_SERVERCALL_RETRYLATER)).

   at eB.Management.QueueJobHelper.InvokeCustomEngine(QueueEngineProcess qep, String engineDll, String engineNamespace, String proxyConnectInfo, IDictionary`2 jobAttributes)

   at eB.Management.QueueJobHelper.ProcessQueueEntry(Object sender, PollEventArgs e)

--- End of exception stack trace ---



The Interplot Engine is not properly configured and/or the wrong Interplot Engine is being referenced.


1. Setup Interplot Engine properly according to Bentley document D004849.

2. In eBSMC, go to the community's Engine node and make sure the "eB ProjectWise Configuration", "eB ProjectWise" and "eB Rendition" engines have the correct server registration. 


Contact Bentley support if the problem persists.