User gets an error saying "Blazon is taking too long to write file to disk" when attempting to rende



 Applies To 
 Product(s):Assetwise Information Manager
 Environment: N/A
 Area: File
 Subarea: Rendition
 Original Author:Dennis Chan, Bentley Product Advantage Team

Problem Description:

User gets an error saying "Blazon is taking too long to write file to disk" when attempting to render a file. More error text below:

Exception Stack Trace: {--- Begin of exception stack trace ---eB.Common.EngineException: Blazon is taking too long to write file to disk. ---> System.Exception: Blazon is taking too long to write file to disk.     at eB.Engine.BlazonRender.EngineWorker.addFileToCopy(Document document, String copyNumber, String fileName)     at eB.Engine.BlazonRender.EngineWorker.renderDocumentCopy(String inputPath, String outputPath, Document document, DocumentCopy documentCopy, String watermark)     at eB.Engine.BlazonRender.EngineWorker.renderDocuments(List`1 documents, String inputPath, String outputPath)     at eB.Engine.BlazonRender.EngineWorker.renderWorkTask(WorkOrder workOrder, WorkTask workTask)    


The file being rendered is too big or complex which causes the renditioning process to timeout.


Increase the "blazon_timeout" value in the eB.Engine.BlazonRender.xml file. The default location of the xml file is C:\Program Files\Bentley\eB\Server\Engines.
