Maharashtra Metro Rail Bulk Update of Tags not working(Customization)

 Applies To eB Web, eB SMC
 Environment: PROD
 Area: Bulk Update Of Tags (Customization)
 Subarea: N/A
 Original Author:Nitin Bhui, Bentley Technical Support Group

Problem Description:

User is trying for bulk update the tags and the job is getting stuck in SMC.


1. Error -1071636471 in Load Dynamic Tag Sheets - Data Flow Task/Char Data - OLE DB Destination [2]: SSIS Error Code DTS_E_OLEDBERROR

2. Error -xxxxxxxxxxx in Tag to Document Relationship

3. Error -xxxxxxxxxxx in Add Responsibilities

4. Error -xxxxxxxxxxx in Tag to Tag Reationship

Root Cause:

SSIS package fails to load the sheet if some thing is wrong with the excel like excel is corrupted, Summary sheet is not able take the reference fr the Tags. 


Sometimes Error 1 occurs due to user mistakes, there are some documents which are provided to the user to avoid mistakes(Attaching the Pdf files)