User gets an error about dependent renditions when processing disposition order list items



 Applies To 
 Product(s):eB Information Manager
 Version(s):15.x.x, 16.X.X
 Environment: N/A
 Area: File Plan
 Subarea: Disposition Order
 Original Author:Dennis Chan, Bentley Product Advantage Team

Problem Description:

User gets the following error when processing disposition order list items:

Unable to process the copy...for the document...

There are Dependant Renditions please delete them first.

The request to ebp_del_file failed.


This is as designed. The master file cannot be deleted/discarded when its rendition file still exists.


Click "Yes" in the above error message to complete processing of all items in the Disposition Order List. Then remove the master file from Disposition Order List. Re-run the file plan and from the report add the master file copy to a new disposition order and process it.


Remove the rendition dependency directly from the eB table. Refer to SR 7000872280 for full details.