User gets a Windows Security prompt when attempting to access an ALIMweb site



 Applies To 
 Product(s):Assetwise ALIM
 Environment: N/A
 Area: Login
 Original Author:Dennis Chan, Bentley Product Advantage Team

Problem Description:

User gets a Windows Security ("Sign in to access this site", "Authorization required") prompt when attempting to access an ALIMweb site.



An IIS configuration issue..


Run IIS Manager

Select Application      Pools in the left pane

Right-click on the DefaultAppPool Application Pool

        a. Select Advanced Settings… from the menu

From the Advanced      Settings dialog

       a. Click the ellipsis button in the Identity field

From the Application      Pool Identify dialog

       a. Enable Custom account

       b. Click Set…

From the Set      Credentials dialog

       a. User name – Enter the {domain}\{eB service account}

      b. Password – Enter the {password}

      c. Click OK

From the Application      Pool Identify dialog

       a. Click OK

From the Advanced      Settings dialog

       a. Click OK

Select the Web Site /      Virtual Directory to modify

Select Request Filtering      in the center pane

       a. Click Edit Feature Settings in the Actions pane

       b. Maximum allowed content length = 4294967295

       c. Maximum URL length = 4096

       d. Maximum query string = 8196

Double-click Configuration      Editor in the middle pane

From the Configuration      Editor page

Select system.webserver/security/authentication/windowsAuthentication from the Section dropdown

      a.  usePersistNonNTLM – True

      b,  authPersistSingleRequest – False

      c. enabled – True

      d.  useAppPoolCredentials – True

      e.  useKernelMode – True

      f. Click Apply

Restart IIS
