What is the difference between AWS 1.2 and Exor 4.8?

I am looking for a simple answer:) a few key points. My organization is using Exor 4.7 and we need to upgrade ... Thank you for your help.


  • By "AWS" you probably mean AssetWise Linear Referencing Services (AWLRS to its friends).  At Exor 47 AWLRS is an additional browser-based map UI for querying and maintaining network and asset data in the Exor database.  It is intended initially as a substitute for Spatial Manager (SM), but at Exor 4.7 you can use both.  The big technical difference is that AWLRS does not require any GIS software to be installed on the user's desktop.  It is browser based and uses the Open Source MapServer map rendering engine.

    At Exor 4.8, which is just being released now, AWLRS takes over from SM as the map-based User Interface.  At 4.8, AWLRS also provides a browser based alternative to the old Exor forms, which are based on Oracle Forms technology and require JRE to be installed on users' desktops.  All the old forms are still there, so at Exor 4.8 you can use both.

    In the future the AWLRS user interface will completely replace the old, pre-Exor 4.7 UI.  The database back end remains essentially the same through all this, apart from ongoing bug fixes and enhancements.  And we're looking at supporting SQL/Server as well as Oracle.

  • Thank you Marc. Just to clarify. At Exor 4.8 all old forms (Oracle) forms and AWLRS (already 'converted' forms) are available. User can use both? If Yes, how many of Exor form are there? Can I have a list? How many of them are in AWLRS 1.2 ?

    One more question, Can you upgrade Exor 4.7 to AWLRS 1.2 directly?

  • Hi Bozena,

    Your first question, the number of new AWLRS configuration forms, is a moving target, because we keep adding new ones.  At 1.2.10 there are 19.  Our plan is to replace 100% of the form functionality before we release AWLRS 1.3.

    Here's a screen capture of an early test version of AWLRS 1.2.10.  You can see that forms have more or less the same names as they have in the Oracle forms.

    I'm not sure that I understand the upgrade question.  You can upgrade from Exor 4700 and AWLRS 1.1 to Exor 4800 and AWLRS 1.2.  You have to upgrade both at the same time because AWLRS 1.1 only works with Exor 4700 and AWLRS 1.2 only works with Exor 4800. 

    Regards, Marc

  • Thank you Marc. It was a typo:( what I wanted ask is; Can you upgrade Exor 4700 and AWLRS 1.1 to AWLRS 1.3 directly?

  • Hi again Bozena. 

    I don't really know the answer to that, and neither does anyone else because we have barely started work on the 1.3 release.  As a rule, you do have to run the base level of the previous major release in before you can upgrade to the next version, so doing this becomes part of the upgrade.

    Regards, Marc

  • Great! Thank you. I still have a few things: 

    Certification document states Exor 4.8 Classic UI which is certified against Windows Server 2012. AssetWise LRS 1.2  (AWLRS 1.2) certified against Windows Server 2016. Can you have both on Windows Server 2016?

    Sorry for all these questions, I really tried to understand what options do we have for upgrade of Exor 4.7. Preferable option for us is to use Windows Server 2016

    Thank you,


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  • Bentley does not currently have plans to certify our WebLogic-based application server because the version of WebLogic that it is based on is currently only in security support by Oracle.  Our next major release (which will probably be labelled AWLRS 1.3) will be certified to run on Windows 2016 or later for both the database and application server.

    Having said that, Bentley has Windows 2016 application servers in hosted test and managed service environments.  So the whole answer is that we do not plan to certify the Exor 4800 application server on Windows 2016, but we are using and even testing it ourselves, and we’re confident that it works.

  • Thank you Marc. It would be great if we could  install Exor 4.8 on Windows Server 2016. Will Bentley support us as we have no other options:(?

    Alternatively, we have Linux servers that we run Oracle database on it so we could put WebLogic, Mapviewer, Forms and other application layer components on it. We are upgrading to RHEL 7.5. Would this be supported by Bentley?

    Still our prefered option is Windows Server 2016.

    Our greatest pain point is, Exor 4.7 is currently sitting on Windows Server 2008 and we must begin implementing a transition solution by June! We need a viable solution supported by Bentley.

    Which of the above solutions will Bentley support?

  • Hi Bozena,

    I recommend that you go with Windows Server 2016 for both the database and application servers.  As it says in the certification matrix, just because it is not certified does not mean that we will not support you.  We will.

    Also I checked with our managed service team and I can confirm that we are running Exor 4700 forms from a Windows 2016 server for production systems, and we are setting up the same environment for Exor 4800 forms as we upgrade users.  So we are confident that it works.

    Regards, Marc