How To Set Up Exor Listeners

 Product(s):Exor Network Manager
 Area:Exor Listeners

Set up the Exor Listeners on the application server, to run server modules such as UKPMS and Structures Manager loaders.


You will need to make a note of the following locations and create them if they don't exist.  All of these will be on the application server.

  1. The bin area that contains the Highways modules, i.e. those ending in .fmx, .rep, .exe etc.  This folder should contain files called exorlsnr.exe, gri0205.exe, gri0206.exe and gri0207.exe.  For the purposes of this document we shall use an example of c:\exor\bin.  Note there is no trailing slash character on this location.
  2. A location for log files to be written to that will also serve as the location for load files to be uploaded to.  For this document we will use c:\exor\reports\ for this location.  Note the trailing slash.  This should match the user options REPCLIPATH and REPOUTPATH.
  3. If you are a UKPMS user, a folder containing the UKPMS 'format' files - these are files ending in .frmt, .dflt and .attr.  On a standard installation these would be found in the exor\ukp\admin\c\common folder.  The example we will use for this document is c:\exor\fmtfiles\ into which we would have copied the files from exor\ukp\admin\c\common.  Note the trailing slash.
  4. The username, password and database of the Highways owner user login.  We will use

Steps to Accomplish

  1. Then to set up the listeners:
    • If they aren't there already, copy over the executables from each product – they’ll be stored in exor\<product code>\admin\c\11g_exe. Copy them into the c:\exor\bin directory identified above.
    • Write a start and a stop batch file either to be scheduled through Windows or to be kicked off manually depending on your requirements


set PROD_HOME=c:\exor\bin[1]

set PROD_REPORTS=c:\exor\reports\[2]

set FMT_FILEPATH=c:\exor\fmtfiles\[3]

set DB_ALIAS=exorsystem[4]

C:\exor\bin\exorlsnr highways[5]/password@exorsystem[6] start –d[7]


set PROD_HOME=c:\exor\bin

set PROD_REPORTS=c:\exor\reports\

set FMT_FILEPATH=c:\exor\fmtfiles\

set DB_ALIAS=exorsystem

C:\exor\bin\exorlsnr highways/password@exorsystem stop

If you are running listeners for more than one Highways instance on the same Application Server, you need to make sure that they have different settings for the GRILSTNAME product option otherwise there will be clashes with pipe files. If you are going to change GRILSTNAME do NOT do it while the listeners are running – stop them first! 

[1] The Exor bin directory. There should be no trailing slash on this path. Note that for all these environment variable definitions, the variable name is in caps and no spaces around the equals (it matters!).
[2] This is the reports output location that matches the user options REPCLIPATH and REPOUTPATH and this time there should be a trailing slash on the end of the path.
[3] The location of the UKPMS format files. This one should have a trailing slash on the end of the path.
[4] The database connect string.
[5] Highways owner user username and password.
[6] Must match DB_ALIAS.
[7] This switches debug mode on, leaving 3 debug windows up on the server to assist in identifying issues. If you just want the listeners to run in the background with no windows popping up take the –d off this command.

See Also

If 'Exor Listeners are not running' message is encountered:

Resetting the listeners if a module has crashed with a fatal error:

 Original Author:Sarah Williams