Changing Base Themes

 Applies To 
 Product(s):Exor Core
 Environment: N/A
 Area: N/A
 Subarea: N/A
 Original Author:Pano Voudouris


In some cases you may need to change the Base Theme for a layer. This is sometime necessary when you get 'no snaps at this position' errors.


 Unfortunately, Base Themes cannot be changed through the forms and you would have to do this manually. To achieve these you would need to follow these steps

•First, get the theme id for the asset type (the _DT view) select nth_theme_id from nm_themes_all where nth_theme_name='' Assuming its 1234, the next step is to get the theme id for the existing base theme select nth_theme_id from nm_themes_all where nth_theme_name='ROUTE_NETWORK_TAB'

•Lets say this is 2345, get the theme id for the ROUTE_NETWORK theme select nth_theme_id from nm_themes_all where nth_theme_name='ROUTE_NETWORK'

•assuming that this is 5678. The base themes are held in the NM_BASE_THEMES table. So first you need to remove the existing base theme delete from nm_base_themes where nbth_theme_id=1234 -- this is the asset theme id and nbth_base_theme=2345 -- this is the route_network_tab theme id

•and then insert the new base theme insert into NM_BASE_THEMES (nbth_theme_id, nbth_theme_name) VALUES (1234, -- this is the asset theme id, 5678) -- this is the ROUTE_NETWORK theme id -- and then make sure you commit

•If you then refresh the theme you should able to see the ROUTE NETWORK as your base theme.

See Also

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