On scroll BOQ items error “FRM-41050:You cannot update this record” appears

 Product(s):Exor Maintenance Manager
 Area:Work Orders


When an Exor user is scrolling BOQ Items on Work Orders/Lines/BOQ Items form an error message “FRM-41050:You cannot update this record” appears. An user is just viewing BOQ items and no any change is performed for these items.


One of the BOQ Items’ mandatory fields (dimensions, quantity, rate, cost) is missed or  has assigned NULL value to it.

Go to MAI3806 form and check do all BOQ Items for specific Defect have mandatory fields.

For example, do all Items have Dim1 assigned (it must not be an empty).

If the mandatory field is missed/empty (is set to NULL in DataBase) you are needed to assign a new value for this BOQ Item field. Press Edit_Defect button (on the same MAI3806). A new window will appear and press Repairs button in it.

In another new window press BOQ_Items and find the erroneous item (e.g. empty) and assign a value to it.

 Original Author:Renatas