Invoice File Interim Sequence Number

 Product(s):Exor CIM/FIM
 Area:Invoice File


Does the interim sequence number in a WI file need to move on by 1 for each works order claim or can the sequence move along by more? For example, if the interim sequence number for month 1 is 1 does it need to be 2 the following month or could it be '5' providing the sequence always moves forward ?


The interim number can increase by more than 1 if required. Have processed files into a system where interim sequences were 1, 20, 110. They all processed in fine.

The code checks to see if the incoming interim number is greater than that previously processed - so will process if all other details are valid. Interim claims are not valid if another interim claim with a higher invoice number has been made - it will fail validation with message An interim invoice with a higher or equal number exists for at least one WOL on this invoice.

 Original Author:Clive T