Street of Interest or Lane Rental Check Box

 Product(s):Exor TMA Noticing Manager

How to set up the Street of Interest or Lane Rental check box on the TMA Works form (TMA1000)


This check box is used to identify streets of interest that the user needs to be aware of.  It is frequently used by Utilities to identify lane rental streets but can be customised according to the users' needs.

Steps to Accomplish

  1. Set up a Street Group of the streets you are interested in.  (see section 8.2 of the Exor TMA Admin Guide if you're not sure how to do this)
  2. Go into Product Options (HIG9130) and set the values of these product options:
·         STREETINT: Set this to the name of the Street Group set up in step 1.
·         STRINTLABL: Set this to the label you want to see on the TMA Works form (TMA1000).  For example, in the screenshot above, this was set to "Lane Rental".

3.      Ensure that the process TMA Evaluate Applied Notices is scheduled.  You can check this in the Process Monitor form (HIG2520).  Choose TMA Evaluate Applied Notices in the drop down list in the Restrict box at the top of the form, then run a query.  If the process is scheduled you’ll see last run and next run dates in the record that is retrieved, and the job state should read “Scheduled”.  If the query brings back no results the process will need to be scheduled.  Details on how to do this can be found in the Exor General Admin Guide section 2.11.

See Also

The Exor TMA Admin Guide and Exor General Admin Guide can both be found here:

 Original Author:Sarah Williams