Could not find doc location error appears on loading a documents bundle

 Product(s):Exor Document Manager

Error or Warning Message

When an user tries to load a document bundle (zipped documents within the driving file) into the system

the error message ‘Could not find doc location for dic id = <null>’ appears.

Explanation And Solution

It happens when a space bar (‘ ‘) symbol was set before a data field in the driving file. Deleting that/these space bar symbol(s) from driving file solves the issue.


(an erroneous) user’s driving file:
"ducument1.xls", "document1_name.xls", "INSPECTION_1", "TYP1", "EXCEL DOCS", "NM_INV_ITEMS", "9855060",,

(the right) driving file:

"ducument1.xls","document1_name.xls","INSPECTION_1","TYP1","EXCEL DOCS","NM_INV_ITEMS","9855060",,