AD10.008 or AD69.001 error in DTF8.1 ASD export file

 Product(s):Exor Street Gazetteer Manager
 Area:NSG Gazetteer

Error or Warning Message

When a DTF8.1 ASD export file is validated by Geoplace, one or both of the following errors are encountered:

AD10.008: SWA_ORG_NAME_TEXT must present and not exceed 40 characters in length.

AD69.001: TER_OF_USE must be present and contain the Highway Authority name for the submitting authority and must contain no more than 60 valid characters


These errors refer to the type 10 (Header) record and type 69 (ASD Metadata) record in the ASD file exported from Street Gazetteer Manager for submission to Geoplace.

How to Avoid

Option 1 Check the data does exist

1. In the Street Gazetteer Manager / Data / Organisations and Districts form (NSG0110), query back your organisation's details and ensure the Name is populated and is less than 40 characters.

Organisations form

2. In the Street Gazetteer Manager / Data / LSG / ASD Metadata form (NSG0100), click on the ASD tab and ensure the Geographic Area is filled in and is less than 60 alphabetic characters. 

Option 2 Check the data against the Data Entry Conventions document

Geoplace have advised that in DTF8.1, the SWA_ORG_NAME_TEXT and TER_OF_USE fields are being checked against the list in Appendix B of the Data Entry Conventions document available on the Geoplace website.  Check your entries in the above forms against the list in Appendix B and ensure your organisation name and geographic area match the entry for your organisation in this list.

See Also

 Original Author:Sarah Williams