How to End Date or Close Users

 Product(s):Exor Network Manager

A user has left the organisation so needs to be end-dated in Highways by Exor


When a user leaves the organisation or stops using Highways by Exor it's as well to end date them so that they do not have access to the system, and to avoid other users assigning work to them by mistake.

Steps to Accomplish

  1. Go into Exor / Security / Users (hig1832) and query back the user in question.  Click the red 'x' button in the toolbar, and save.  This will end-date and lock the user - we have to keep the actual user record for reference.
  2. If the user was an inspector in TMA, go to the TMA / Reference Data / Inspections / Inspectors (TMA5290) and untick the 'available' tickbox against that inspecton so that inspections are not assigned to them the next time they are scheduled.

 Original Author:Sarah Williams